Bloodshot 11 (Vol 2 1997 Valiant / Acclaim)


Bloodshot 11 (Vol 2 1997 Valiant / Acclaim)
“Apocalypse Now and Then” – Raymond Garrison, the man who would be Bloodshot, began his journey as a government “spook” on the Ho Chi Min trail. But old blood doesn’t dry easily, and there’s still hell to pay in Da Nang! Could Garrison have been sleeping with the enemy? Beware the Warcat! Written by Len Kaminski and D.G. Chichester, with art by Sal Velluto, Alex Maleev, Bob Almond and Mark McKenna. Cover by Sal Velluto and Steve Geiger. FC, 32 pgs. Cover price $2.50.

Availability: 1 in stock

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