Green Hornet 1  (2010 Dynamite FCBD)


Green Hornet 1  (2010 Dynamite FCBD)
Written by Kevin Smith, Matt Wagner, Brett Matthews, Jai Nitz and Ande Parks. Art by Phil Hester, Jonathan Lau, Aaron Campbell, Ariel Padilla, Colton Worley and Ale Garza. Cover by John Cassaday. Dynamite Entertainment proudly presents the return of the Green Hornet! In 2010, Dynamite will unveil three brand-new Green Hornet series, starting with the world-wide debut of Kevin Smith’s vision for the masked crusader (from his never-before-seen and unproduced screenplay). Dynamite is going to pull all of the stops to get mainstream attention for this series so that more civilians are aware and will hopefully come to your store for their copy. NEVER underestimate the power of Kevin Smith’s name! Also, the entire story is in from Kevin Smith and this series will ship on time! Get a first-look as part of this year’s Free Comic Book Day with this special edition featuring not only Smith’s version, but the award winning work of creators Matt Wagner and Brett Matthews as well! All in one FREE comic event! FC 32pgs.

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